pitch for an RFP

step by step


A Request for Proposal (RFP) is a formal business document that proposes a project and invites qualified contractors to submit bids for its completion. RFPs are commonly used by organizations to initiate projects and are also a standard practice in many government agencies.


There are many ways to convey an idea to a client, and one effective method is by creating a presentation deck that clearly describes your intentions, idea, and sets the tone for what’s to come. While the slides should be tailored to your specific situation, here are some useful thoughts and advice on how to develop an impactful presentation. Before you begin preparing your presentation, answer the following questions:

  • What is your task? What do you hope to accomplish?
  • Who is your client? Understand their needs, wants, and values, and why they would be interested in what you’re offering.
  • What is your idea? What are you selling? What is your point of view?
  • Who is your audience? Who will be viewing this deck? What is their role, background, and knowledge level on the topic at hand?
  • What is your expected outcome? What are you trying to achieve with this presentation, and what will be the next foreseeable steps depending on the outcome?


  • Begin by summarizing your proposal once again, demonstrating a clear comprehension of your client's needs, objectives, and priorities.
  • Identify the target demographic for your idea or concept. Provide relevant insights about this group and demonstrate your understanding of their behavior. Present a compelling rationale for why your idea or campaign would be relevant or appealing to this particular audience.
  • Summarize your solution to the problem at hand and the goal you will achieve with your idea/concept. Keep it clear and straightforward, but also make sure to convey the complexity of the situation. This sets the stage for answering the all-important "WHY?" - explaining why your idea is a stepping stone to success.
  • Present your idea/concept, creative proposition. Be clear and concise, this should be no more than 1-2 sentences. This is the core substance of your pitch. Make sure it’s memorable and easy to understand. Here you’re answering the question “WHAT?” — what is your grand idea.
  • To help the client visualize how your idea will come to life, create visuals of what the execution of this concept would look like.
  • Recap the idea and how it relates to the problem at hand and the target market. What would be the tangible benefit of this idea and the goal it will achieve. With this information, you will answer the “HOW?” — How does this idea work. You also come back to WHY it will work.
  • Leave a blank or thank you slide at the end for Q&A.
  • You can choose to include an appendix with additional information that you can refer back to in order to answer questions at the end.


  • Keep your deck as concise as possible.
  • Anticipate potential questions and prepare your answers in advance.
  • Ensure that your font size and color palette make the copy easy to read.
  • Use less copy. Be concise.
  • Educate your client, don't just sell an idea to them. Provide a compelling rationale that clearly explains why your idea/campaign is the best solution for their challenge. Give them enough information so they can grasp the concept without having to do the calculations and move smoothly to the next steps.
  • Consider hiring someone who has experience in this field for advice or review.


Government of Canada RFP